As a software developer at Reso-nance Numérique, I developed a PHP plugin for Dokuwiki allowing articles to be displayed in a grid of thumbnails
TYPE | Web |
DATE | |

The problem
Reso-nance Numérique is an artistic collective from Marseille, co-creator of Fablab LFO. We used a wiki to document and share all projects, powered by Dokuwiki. But Dokuwiki was not able to display a list of articles in a user-friendly way, i.e. with small images.
The solution
Based on the nspages plugin, I’ve developed this new plugin.
It is used to display pictures for all pages of a directory (aka. all subnamespaces of a namespace) and sort them by name or by date. If a picture is not added into the page (as a metadata) it takes a default picture.
A live example: https://reso-nance.org/wiki/projets/accueil
Choose one of these options and write it into a wiki page.
// Sort by name
// Sort by date (ascendant)
~~DIRPICTURES sortByDate~~
// Sort by date (descendant)
~~DIRPICTURES sortByDate sortDesc~~
What I Learned
- Create a PHP plugin for Dokuwiki