Medito Fundraising
I had 5 days to develop a full-stack fundraising web site for the Medito foundation. Medito foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to improving mental wellbeing and helping people cope better with depression, stress, anxiety, and any other negative states of mind.
TYPE | Challenge, Web |
DATE | |
STACK | Astro, TypeScript, React, Supabase, Stripe, Tailwind CSS, Resend |

Medito foundation needs a versatile single web page that can be adapted for various fundraising initiatives, such as hiring personnel, creating ad campaigns, or developing new features.
- Responsive and clear design
- Encourage donations with an interactive and user-friendly interface.
- Structure allows for easy content updates for different campaigns
- Optimized for hosting on Cloudflare Pages
Versatile project
Astro is an agnostic framework, it offers a great choice for build a versatile website. Some pages might be static, server side or client side. You can use all great UI libs such as React, Svelte or Vue.
import { defineConfig, passthroughImageService } from 'astro/config';
import tailwind from '@astrojs/tailwind';
import cloudflare from '@astrojs/cloudflare';
import react from '@astrojs/react';
import icon from 'astro-icon';
export default defineConfig({
image: {
service: passthroughImageService(),
domains: [''], // allow optimizations of remote images
remotePatterns: [{ protocol: 'https' }],
output: 'server', // server side rendering
adapter: cloudflare(), // server adapter
integrations: [
icon({ iconDir: 'src/assets/icons' }), // change the icons directory
Add data easily
You can choose to add data in markdown or json and build them in a static way or add data in Supabase tables and retrieve them with fetch()
and API endpoints.
Global settings of the website are stored in src/config/site.ts
export const SITE: SiteType = {
name: 'Medito Fundraising',
description: 'Support Medito Foundation by building a more mindful world',
keywords: 'meditation, fundraising, mindfull, medito, medito app',
icon: '/favicon.png',
ogImage: {
src: '/og.jpg',
width: 1200,
height: 628,
format: 'jpg',
themeColor: '#ffffff',
author: 'Jérôme Abel',
twitterAcount: '@jeromeabeldev',
socials: {
twitter: '',
facebook: '',
instagram: '',
linkedin: '',
nav: [
{ label: 'Home', href: '/' },
{ label: 'About', href: '/about' },
{ label: 'Campaigns', href: '/campaign' },
{ label: 'Blog', href: '/blog' },
In Supabase, you can add tables with differents types of data. The idea is to link tables with foreign Key (“campaign_id” here)
API endpoints
With Astro and server side rendering, it is very convenient to add API endpoints to our application:
: Get all campaigns/api/campaign/:id
: Get one campaign with its id/api/campaign/:id/donors
: Get all donors for the campaign/api/campaign/:id/questions
: Get all questions for the campaign/api/campaign/:id/donate
: Send a request to Stripe/api/session/:id/
: Get the session data from the validated
Example: /api/campaign/:id/donors
: Get all donors for the campaign
import type { APIRoute } from 'astro';
import { supabase } from '@config/supabase';
export const GET: APIRoute = async ({ params }) => {
const campaignId =;
const { data } = await supabase
.eq('campaign_id', Number(campaignId))
.order('created_at', { ascending: false });
if (!data) {
return new Response(null, { status: 404, statusText: 'Not found', });
return new Response(JSON.stringify(data), {
status: 200,
headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json',},
Fetch Data
Fetch utility function
export const getJson = async (url: string) => {
const response = await fetch(url);
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error('Unexpected HTTP Response');
return await response.json();
Fetch API In Astro
import { getJson } from '@services/fetchAPI';
import type { Tables } from '@config/supabase.types.ts';
const campaign: Tables<'campaigns'> = await getJson(
Stripe 💳
Payment is made possible because of the Stripe Checkout Form integration. You have to fill in “4242 4242 4242 4242” as a test card number to test the transaction. You will be redirected to the “thanks” page when the transaction is fulfilled.
Contact Form With Resend
import type { APIRoute } from 'astro';
export const POST: APIRoute = async ({ request }) => {
const body = await request.json();
const { to, from, html, subject, text, reply_to } = body;
if (!to || !from || !html || !subject || !text) {
return new Response(null, {
status: 404,
statusText: 'Did not provide the right data',
const res = await fetch('', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
Authorization: `Bearer ${import.meta.env.RESEND_API_KEY}`,
body: JSON.stringify({ to, from, html, subject, text, reply_to }),
const data = await res.json();
return new Response(JSON.stringify(data), {
status: 200,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
User friendly
Interactivity and animations are used to enhance the user experience. Here is an example of confetti animation made with react-rewards
What I Learned
- Astro with server side rendering & API endpoints
- Astro with React
- Supabase integration
- Stripe with React
- Resend integration