For the Lazer Quest collective, I developed an interactive system. They need it for Lithica, a light sculpture
TYPE | Software |
DATE | |
STACK | Pure Data, Arduino, Python |

LITHICA is an interactive sound sculpture. It is the instrument of a performance intended for deaf and hearing audiences.
A project created by LazerQuest, explained in this video.
The problem
- Performance mode: an artist must move with different movements around the sculpture to generate sounds
- Exhibition mode: the public must hear sound variations as it moves around the sculpture
The solution
- A combination of three different capture techniques: Time Of Flight (ToF), Tracking Video, Ultrasound
- A mini-computer that retrieves this data and sends it via a LAN network
- Software to manage all incoming data and link it to sound generators
Python & OpenCV
What I Learned
- Experiment a dozen of different sensors
- JeVois Camera programming
- OpenCV with Python