I developed a modernized version of the FishEye website, a photographers platform, using dynamic content with Javascript, design patterns, json, modal, gallery and sorting features. I also followed the accessibility guidelines to make it fully accessible: focus, keyboard navigation, ARIA.
TYPE | Education, Web |
DATE | |

This project is the n°6 in the OpenClassrooms Front-End learning path.
The problem
FishEye is a platform of photographers. It needs to be modernized:
- In this project, no needs to be responsive
- Dynamic content: data from a json file and query from URL
- UI features: likes, sort, lightbox, modal
- Accessibility features for screenreaders and keyboard navigation
The solution
- Sass with BEM naming convention to gain on modularity
- WebApp with Vanilla JS: templates & models
- O.O.P principles: classes
- JS Design Patterns: factory, state, observer
Factory Pattern
// Return a Media object depending on the type
class MediaFactory {
constructor(media) {
if (media.image) {
return new MediaImage(media);
} else if ( {
return new MediaVideo(media);
} else {
throw 'MediaFactory Error : Unkown type';
Sort Data
class MediaSort {
setListeners() {
const elements = this.$wrapper.querySelectorAll('[data-sortBy]');
elements.forEach((elt) => {
elt.addEventListener('click', () => {
sort(type) {
if (type === 'title') { (a, b) {
return a.title.localeCompare(b.title);
} else if (type === 'date') { (a, b) {
return new Date( - new Date(;
} else if (type === 'pop') { (a, b) {
return b.likes - a.likes; // du plus grand au plus petit
Oberver Pattern
Use the Observer pattern to implement the likes feature
class MediaCard {
setListener() {
const that = this;
const likesWrapper = this.$wrapper.querySelector('.likes');
.addEventListener('click', function() {
if (this.classList.contains('liked')) {
this.classList.remove('liked')'ADD', -1);
likesWrapper.innerHTML = that.likes;
} else {
class LikesCounter {
constructor() { this.count = 0; }
update(action, value) {
if (action === 'ADD') { this.count += value;}
What I Learned
- JS Fetch and query params
- JS Array methods
- JS Design patterns
- Accessibility: keyboard navigation & focus, screenreader visibility, accessibility reports (achecker, axe, wave)
- I wrote a gist about this tricky part: ARIA & modal