
I work as a Front-End Developer at the Remede Agency, a web agency. We are developing a full-stack app for a new bank company, ArgentBank.

TYPEWeb, Education
STACKReact, React-router, Redux-toolkit (RTK), RTK-query, Formik, Toastify, Yup, Swagger
ArgentBank project

This project is the n°13 of the OpenClassrooms Front-End learning path.

The problem

Argent Bank is a new bank that is starting up. She’s trying to break into the industry and needs help setting up her app. It needs a web application that allows customers to log in and manage their accounts and profile.

The solution

1. Responsive Web App

Responsive screens ArgentBank App

2. Authentication system

Vertical Architecture

Using Redux ToolKit, I followed some vertical architecture’s principles : a slice per feature.

├── 📂 app
│   ├── apiSlice.js
│   ├── App.jsx
│   └── store.js
├── 📂 features
│   ├── authSlice.js
│   └── userSlice.js
├── 📂 pages
│   ├── 📂 Error404
│   ├── 📂 Home
│   ├── 📂 Layout
│   ├── 📂 Login
│   └── 📂 Profile
└── 📂 styles
    └── *.scss

Private Route

The first step of authentication was to add a private route with React-Router. The idea is to provide a conditional routing system which renders the Profile page if the user is logged or the Login page instead.

const PrivateRoute = ({ element }) => {
  const token = useSelector(selectCurrentToken);
  return token ? element : <Navigate to="/login" replace={true} />;

const App = createBrowserRouter([
    path: '/',
    element: <Layout />,
    children: [
      { index: true, element: <Home /> },
      { path: 'login', element: <Login /> },
      { path: 'profile', element: <PrivateRoute element={<Profile />} /> },
      { path: '*', element: <Error404 /> },

Form Validation

Login ArgentBank

The form validation was handled by Formik and Yup. A visual feedback from Toastify was added to provide a great user experience.

const validationSchema = Yup.object({
  email: Yup.string().email('Invalid email addresss').required('Required'),
  password: Yup.string()
    .min(8, 'Must be 8 characters or more')
    .max(20, 'Must be 20 characters or less')
  rememberMe: Yup.boolean().default(false),

const initialValues = { email: '', password: '', rememberMe: false };

return (
      <TextInput label="Email" name="email" type="email" />
      <TextInput label="Password" name="password" type="password" />
      <Checkbox name="rememberMe">Remember me</Checkbox>
      <button className={styles.button} type="submit">


When the form was successfully submitted, RTK stores a token from the server and use it in the Header of every API requests.

export const api = createApi({
  reducerPath: 'api',
  baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({
    baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3001/api/v1',
    prepareHeaders: (headers, { getState }) => {
      const token = getState().auth.token || localStorage.getItem('token');
      if (!headers.has('Authorization') && token) {
        headers.set('Authorization', `Bearer ${token}`);
      return headers;

3. Documentation of the API

We used Swagger to add API endpoints in the documentation

Documentation Swagger

      - Bearer: []
      - Transaction Module
    summary: Find transaction's details by id
    description: Find transaction's details by id (jwt token)
      - in: header
        name: Authorization
        description: Attach Bearer JWT token
        required: true
        type: string

What I Learned

👉 I’ve written also two articles on LinkedIn and Github/gists about RTK: